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Work Experience:

My father taught me, by example, that a willingness to work brings certain freedoms and liberty. Employment provides finances and purchasing power. Work is where we learn skills, it encourages innovation, and it teaches responsibility and accountability.  Employment gave me opportunity to provide for myself, my family to be an asset to society, not a burden. 


Work experience gave me understanding in different fields and from different vantage points. The attitude not to fear work but, to seek it out, has enabled me to serve in many diverse employment opportunities. Work has equipped me to serve others and develop into the woman that I am.  I've served as a bookkeeper for a building contractor and also for an International Case dealership.  I've spent many  hours as a motor vehicle title clerk and such enjoyable time as an Amtrak, Cruise, Airline Travel agent for a prosperous travel agency. I've worked for the State Government of PA as a data recorder, and as a Sole Proprietor of a Cafe in Pavillion!  My fifteen years of serving with Fremont County public education, first as a Substitute teacher, K-12 then, hired on as a full-time 4th grade teacher's aide.  I was successful in meeting requirements of Highly Qualified Para Professional status. I worked in K-5 teaching handwriting, small group reading, reading and math remediation, along with the many duties that allowed me to relate and develop relationships with  both staff and student populations.  


These varied opportunities, have developed inner strength, direction, the ability to respond to tasks at hand, to learn and expand learning, and to recognize the needs of others while following directives, guidelines, finance, and gut feelings.  My yearly evaluations are evidence of my sincerity and concern for those in my charge and those I worked with.

Republican Party Involvement:

I have served as a Fremont County Republican Precinct Committeewoman for more than 10 years.  During this time, I have been involved in county and state conventions as a delegate and on the Executive Committee. I served my precinct and supported candidates by walking my district.  For 8 years I have been a member of the Fremont County Republican Women. Additionally, I have been the coordinator for Fremont County Wreaths Across America, a position I cherish and plan to expand. From March 2016 until March 2020, I was elected and fulfilled 2 terms as the Fremont County Republican Party Chairman.  My platform was to expand our citizen involvement, fill precinct vacancies, and increase our county's fundraising activities. We did just that and became financially healthy. Chairing the Republican Party for Fremont County was an opportunity to further develop the leadership skills that are necessary in the Wyoming State Legislature. In my second elected term as Chairwoman, and as a member of the State Executive Team for District 4, I was introduced to Wyoming counties, their representatives, and elected officials. Through this connection, I had the opportunity to work with Republicans statewide seeking out solutions for Wyoming's issues while supporting Wyoming's strengths.  This has been very useful in the Wyoming Legislature. 


  • Fremont County/Wyoming Republican Party 

  • Fremont County DUI Task Force

  • Shoshoni Rifle Club

  • Lighthouse Bible Church

  • Fremont County Library System

  • Angel Tree Coordinator/Prison Fellowship Ministries

Paid for by Pepper L. Ottman For HD34

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