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Issues ​

Right to Keep & Bear Arms

Our right to bear arms is a fundamental responsibility and opportunity that protects our other rights.


  I have Cosponsored HB117 to repeal "Gun Free Zones" and voted for SF0102 Second Amendment Protection Act (SAPA). I also voted in favor of SF 0087 sponsored by Sen. Bouchard.  It failed introduction in the Senate..


 I will not only defend our 2nd Amendment but work to expand those protections.

Private Property Rights

The pursuit of life, liberty and happiness often starts with our own personal property.  

I strongly believe that our private property taxes should be based on Acquisition Costs of Purchasers rather than the 3 similars.  With inflated prices in the present market, current property owners are being priced out of our homes.

SF0019 County Optional Property Tax Refund Program did pass.  Teton County has led the charge on this one.  Applications could be asked for at the Fremont County Treasurer's Office.  Not an easy application to maneuver.  Sponsored by the Revenue Committee.


 I sponsored HB0139 Protection of Wyoming Land & Water Resources and HB0140 Conservation Easements Amendments. Neither passed out of the House. I plan to work these bills and bring them back. When we see the BLM purchasing 35000+ acres and the move on Conservation easements 'into perpetuity', we need to be cautious.  A renewable term would be reasonable.


I will always be a staunch defender of your right to keep government and regulatory agencies from telling you what to do with your property.

The right to life is our most fundamental tenets and one of the top Republican values.  I will continue to Stand Up for the sanctity of life, from conception to natural death.

I cosponsored SF0083 Prohibiting Chemical Abortions, SF0089 Child Protection - Dangerous Drugs, HB0134 (2021) Human heartbeat protection act, and HB0235 (2021) Human life protection act.  

Receiving The Platinum Award by Wyoming Right to Life in 2021, their highest award. and awarded again in 2022 for continued work and support of the WY 'Trigger Bill' is an honor for me. There will be more very important decisions made in 2023.

Right to Life

Local Control of Education

Since elected I have voted and fought to educate stakeholders and empower parents and communities in their desire for good education.  Our students need education that will prepare them to be productive citizens.  Basic skills with enhancement as they progress throughout Elementary school.  Trades should be offered as well as academics.  Parents should be motivated to participate and children taught HOW to learn..  Local control and knowledge of the goals of a curriculum should be the norm.  Parents should be able to work with the system to make decisions about their own children's education.  Sexual education should be voluntary, age appropriate, and developed by a group of stakeholders.  Pornography should never be a part of it.

Abolish Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking is an issue that seems to grow daily.  I am attending Community Protection Programs in this and other areas as often as possible.  I believe it is imperative that we as a community know how to identify and prevent as much of this activity as is possible.  As a Wyoming Representative, I am working with other legislators and government agencies to stop this heinous crime.  It is certainly a symptom of much larger criminal activity.

First Amendment

Whether it is our freedom of speech, freedom of religion or freedom to gather, our 1st Amendment rights have been under unprecedented attack.  I am a vocal and Legislative supporter of these rights. 

Going into 2020 we had grave concerns with Revenue and responded with a tighter budget and the  reorganizing our agencies and offices.  $250 - $350 million worth of cuts. 


Then in 2021-2022 we experienced massive influxes of Federal monies. This money ultimately comes from our communities, our businesses, our property, our savings, and our pocketbooks.  It also erased the work we had done to trim our waste and look towards efficiencies. 

The tendency to grow government when Revenue exceeds expectation is in practice.

I believe that we must work to not only decrease spending, but also decrease taxes and balance our budget.  

I cosponsored HB256 Wyoming Sovereignty Act, 2021.  This bill would get some rules in place.  Hope to bring it again.  

Financial Responsibility

Eliminate Burdensome Regulations

I believe that if our businesses are to thrive we must get government out of the way.  I will continue to uphold my promise to vote against burdensome and unnecessary regulations and hopefully support the Boots on the ground folks in the reevaluation of some of the especially egregious ones. 


I cosponsored SF0069 Property tax limits, HB0027 Severance Tax reduction - coal,  & HB146 Personal property depreciation. 


I believe our spend till we bust tendency must end.  It is not sustainable and we should not regulate energy producers and tax at such different levels.  Those that have supported Wyoming growth and our education system are being treated heavy handedly while subsidies are multiplying to others.


I hope we can also do a better job of putting county and local issues of business at their level and not the states.  What's good for one county may not even apply to another.  Why burden our county and local governments with so much unnecessary 'figure it out's".

Uphold the Wyoming Republican Party Platform

Running as a Republican, in Wyoming, is an honor.  I believe in our Party Platforms and helped to create them in my position as an elected  Precinct Committeewoman for 10 years and the Fremont County Republican Chairman for 2 consecutive terms.  My voting record shows that the tenets voted on by the Grass Roots in Wyoming are my values.


When asked "How can you even be a Republican?" I responded that my beliefs and values are best represented by this party.

Paid for by Pepper L. Ottman For HD34

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